La Pyramide Hotel i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaLa Pyramide Hotel


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Gimnasio Hércules, 1 c. al Sur, 1 c. al este, 2 1/2 c. al sur, Managua 14038, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2278 0687
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Latitude: 12.1161635, Longitude: -86.2689946

kommentar 5

  • Liam Montgomery

    Liam Montgomery


    We found La Pyramide, and as lovers of novelty and architecture, we had to check it out! When we arrived, we were greeted as old friends, given fresh juice, and driven to the nearest restaurant of our choice by our incredible host, Manfred! In addition to his incredible stories and conversation, he was a great host, and we felt at home. We stayed in the Tutankamon Suite on the top floor, and felt very much at ease. It was clean, safe, and well adorned with art and triangular decorations. We awoke at 4:00am to fresh coffee and fruit brought to our room for our early departure to the airport. The neighbourhood is happening, and very local. We met only a couple of other tourists. Absolutely will stay again.

  • Seysi list

    Seysi list


    es fea el televisor

  • Marcks Monterrey

    Marcks Monterrey


    Buen precio

  • Ruben Rugama

    Ruben Rugama


    Lugar tranquilo

  • Allan Canales

    Allan Canales


    Es un excelente hotel, pero sobre todo el servicio y la calidad humana es lo mejor.

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