El Jacal Hostal i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaEl Jacal Hostal



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Colonial Los Robles Consejo supremo electoral 1 cuadra abajo 20 varas al sur ca casa 36, Managua 14033, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 7675 4401
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Latitude: 12.1236656, Longitude: -86.2591842

kommentar 5

  • Nicole Haning

    Nicole Haning


    El Jacal has seen better days. The pictures must have been taken a long time ago because everything was super run-down. The pool was murky and dirty, toilet wobbled, no screens on part of the roof, and open holes so we just got eaten alive by mosquitos all night but didn't want to use the mosquito netting because it looked and smelled like it hadn't been washed in a VERY long time. It has the potential to be a cute place, but it was a rough place to land on my first night in Managua.

  • Alicia Holmes

    Alicia Holmes


    Well located, pleasant staff a little bit tired

  • BE Adventure Partners

    BE Adventure Partners


    What a lovely stay! El Jacal is a great place to stay for travelers. This hostel has many types of accommodations to fit any budget. We had a private room with private bathroom. The staff are super friendly & this location is very safe. BE Adventure Partners Stamp of Approval!

  • Oliver Sigle

    Oliver Sigle


    Friendly staff, nice pool and comfy beds! A big mall is right around the corner.

  • Katrin Ruff

    Katrin Ruff


    Nice hostal. Owned by a super friendly couple and their two dogs. Highly recommended.

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