Hotel Casa Colonial Boutique i Managua

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NicaraguaHotel Casa Colonial Boutique


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10, 75 varas al Oeste, 14034, Managua, Managua, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +56 9 7967 4883
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.1206169, Longitude: -86.263504

kommentar 5

  • Luis Alsina

    Luis Alsina


    Personal experience great. Well welcomed, service, great, Room perfect. Will higly recommend .

  • Seth Turnbo

    Seth Turnbo


    Staff was always very helpful and accommodating. Quiet and lush jungle colonial vibe. Security at the locked gate 24/7. Came here after a horrible Airbnb experience at Edificio Norte, was happy everything worked as advertised. Special thanks to Oscar, always smiling and willing to help.

  • Dippy Red

    Dippy Red


    The hotel was nice. When I booked it told me breakfast was included, but at checkout they charged me an extreme amount of money for the smallest most pathetic breakfast I have had in nicaragua.

  • John Schall

    John Schall


    I really enjoyed my stay here. The service was great - they were all very nice and accommodating! The pool at the end of a long day of walking was perfect!

  • Saba Ali Saiyed

    Saba Ali Saiyed


    Very nice little place to stay. The interior and decorations give a very different feeling. The staff was very nice and helpful with all I needed.

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