Hotel Pachamama i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaHotel Pachamama



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13 Avenida Sureste, Managua, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2225 6563
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Latitude: 12.1220318, Longitude: -86.2644761

kommentar 5

  • en

    James Smith


    This place is a great find I'm almost sad that after it because it's going to fill up and just get busier. To start the front desk reception is very friendly and helpful doing everything they can to meet your needs the rooms are artistically interesting attractive, it is not your usual hostel. This is a place that also have a bar with tables a swimming pool although not very big sufficient for those who have private rooms breakfast is included at the cafe next door which is a typical Nica breakfast or fresh fruit with yogurt and granola and either a cup of coffee or orange juice. The coffee is made cut by cup from an espresso machine and is excellent the food is very good created by Carlos the chef. Everyday Carlos prepares a different lunch plate in addition to the regular menu so far I've had Churrasco steak which was excellent and a Pollo a La Romana which was beautiful with its green olives onion bell pepper relish on top. Inside and reception they have a refrigerator that has cold beers for sale or Waters or juices if you want you can have daily cleaning of your room and there is no shortage of ways that they try to make the stay very comfortable for you. I will definitely stay here again in the heart of Managua. An additional mention is that you are less than 1 block or two from about 10 different bars in a safe area that you can walk to.

  • en

    Ö-liveADN Damassalia


    Clean, comfortable, nice deco.

  • Simo Bekkari

    Simo Bekkari


    Hotel staff was super nice and helpful. Room was good with very comfortable mattress. Very clean. One suggestion is maybe adding a sign and some lights outside as it is difficult to see when you arrive by night.

  • Shaun Humphries

    Shaun Humphries


    Very cool spot. There wasn't to many people around, but you can see this place must rock when's there's a crowd.

  • Carlos Valladares

    Carlos Valladares


    Great place to work with a cup of coffee or to grab a cold one with friends

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