La Posada de Valerio i Managua

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NicaraguaLa Posada de Valerio



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Calle Principal Altamira de Conico 80 metros al este # 550., Managua 14027, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2277 0426
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.1221129, Longitude: -86.2518194

kommentar 5

  • Dana Hooshmand

    Dana Hooshmand


    Very clean, quiet and air conditioned hotel. For a delicious dinner you just have to wander down to the corner at about 6pm, where the “servicio” of barbecued chicken or pork will cost you 100 and be filling and amazing.

  • Wesley Sequeira

    Wesley Sequeira


    Nice place to stay in.

  • en

    Adam Cohen


    I already wrote a review on Trip Advisor regarding a June, 2017 stay, but thought it was worth following up after spending several nights here during February, 2018. The Posada continues to offer excellent budget lodging in Managua, certainly the most consistent that I have experienced in my extensive travels throughout the country of Nicaragua. The manager really takes ownership and makes sure that everything works out, including transportation, laundry, internet, and air conditioning, and he responds quickly if any issues come up. The garden area is beautiful, and the fruit trees are a nice bonus during lime, guayaba and orange season in Late January/February!

  • en

    jose renteria


    Cozy and comfy, but you have to ask for beds to be changed every day or risk he'd bugs

  • en

    Leung Tresila


    It's the best place to stay in Managua! The hotel is very clean, new and cozy. The owner is nice and speaks perfect English. Includes breakfast, wifi and A/C at the lowest price in Managua! Will definitely stay here again!

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