DHL i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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25 mts. al sur, Managua, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2251 2515
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.1192721, Longitude: -86.2603953

kommentar 5

  • Phyllis Elsir

    Phyllis Elsir


    Tried to send out a small package of clothes to Canada. They were super friendly, but wanted to charge me 170$ USD!! Couldnt afford that

  • Alvaro Robleto

    Alvaro Robleto


    Prompt and friendly service. Lowest rate in Nicaragua to send a document to the USA.

  • Danza Niwa

    Danza Niwa


    Great service if you have already an account with DHL. But I know DHL can't be trusted for incoming packages due to the arbitrary nature of the customs process.

  • Larry Fatherree

    Larry Fatherree


    We were treated great .we were in and out in 2 minutes.

  • Jose Barberena

    Jose Barberena


    I came to this place a few days ago to make a quick delivery from Managua, Nicaragua to Miami, FL in which I was only sending a smart watch, 2 pictures, 1 document, the thing did not weigh more then a 1 KG. This man advise due to the smart watch the cost of delivery is about $93.00 USD and with out the smart watch it cost $53.00 USD so explain to this gentlemen I recently sent a package to Miami in which was pure documents weighing more then this and only cost me $32.00 USD. SO I denied the service there I went to another DHL location and got the service for only $63.00 with the smart watch included and insurance if the delivery got lost. Moral of the story is they are adding some additional cost to there service or they are scamming people to make there living please DONT USE THIS LOCATION use another location to get your quick service delivery needs.

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