DHL Express ServicePoint i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaDHL Express ServicePoint



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Centro Comercial El Retiro, Costado Norte Price Smart, Plaza España, Managua 12066, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2251 2511
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.135899, Longitude: -86.278

kommentar 5

  • Jorge Lopezok

    Jorge Lopezok


    2 very kind ladies at the time of attention. Always smiling and affectionate.

  • Kristell Mendoza

    Kristell Mendoza


    Very good service, efficient

  • Karla Santamaria

    Karla Santamaria


    A place with excellent service and very friendly ladies

  • Maria Ale Urroz

    Maria Ale Urroz


    Between shipping and customs costs I paid more than 300 dollars, only to have some broken glasses arrive. 300 dollars, thanks for nothing, I had been a few days late in paying customs fees 100 dollars, for some drinks that did not come new and it seemed super unfair to me considering that more than 200 dls had already been paid for shipping and they marked me daily to threaten me as if I were the enemy. My package comes and my broken glasses come. Thanks for nothing, when I opened the windows the windows jumped, I cut myself a bit but the anger is that they don't take care of their shipments. I will not choose DHL again. They are overrated.

  • Shenroy Davis

    Shenroy Davis


    Real good experience I had today, they have a good customer service..

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