Correos de Nicaragua ALTAGRACIA i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaCorreos de Nicaragua ALTAGRACIA


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22 Avenida Suroeste, Managua, Managua, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2255 0000
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Latitude: 12.1314794, Longitude: -86.2940007

kommentar 5

  • Sergio Lopez

    Sergio Lopez


    They attended me quickly

  • Kira Escobar

    Kira Escobar


    Very attentive, the lady who serves is very friendly. Always ready to answer questions, the packages take time but they have always been delivered to me in good condition.

  • Luzma Montenegro

    Luzma Montenegro


    I do not recommend them, if they send you two articles they only deliver one... It's a shame how they can't be honest

  • Pablo Lopez

    Pablo Lopez


    From Monday the 16th I paid my fine and I dialed and they are delivering the license and I called and I even arrived at the place and it has not even arrived at my house and it has been 5 days and I will not be able to circulate anything due to its poor efficiency

  • Orlando Flores

    Orlando Flores


    Gentlemen, my driver's license has been there since Tuesday and according to a telephone conversation Tuesday the 2nd, they do not go out to deliver it due to the rain in Managua, and those who need their driver's license must wait. Until today, Friday, I did not receive it.

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