Correos de Nicaragua Altamira i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaCorreos de Nicaragua Altamira



🕗 åbningstider

4PCW+JCF, Managua 14027, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2255 8410
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 12.1215739, Longitude: -86.2539662

kommentar 5

  • Byron Rivas Requenes

    Byron Rivas Requenes


    Excellent atention . They call you when your package is there.

  • Gamer Life

    Gamer Life


    They should update the addresses, the 1st of May branch no longer exists and the branch that is in Maestro Gabriel does not appear and it seems that there is a branch in multicentro las Américas that does not appear on the MAP either

  • Gerson Garay

    Gerson Garay


    Very good attention, only a little slow, it can be improved, digitizing everything...

  • Frank Rostran Sobalvarro

    Frank Rostran Sobalvarro


    Since Monday, May 4, I am calling to find out about my driver's license at the number that appears for Altamira Branch 22558410 and no one answers or is it that they have another number, please let me know that my payment slip expired on Monday, May 4 and I'm waiting for it to be mailed to my house and nothing and I can't drive. Thank you

  • Eli Hernandez

    Eli Hernandez


    They treated me very well when I went to bring my orders. Doña Luisa is very kind and is willing to help. Unfortunately, now they charge you $1 per pound to pick up your order when before they would deliver it to your house. The payment is fine for me but at least they should take it to your house.

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