Tienda Puma Select i León

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NicaraguaTienda Puma Select



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NIC-12, León, León, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505
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Latitude: 12.4584675, Longitude: -86.8676788

kommentar 5

  • Arlles Lezama

    Arlles Lezama


    The place is now hot, apparently the air conditioning is not in good condition. And it feels better to be outside the premises than inside. The manager is a bit obnoxious, he made a mistake in an order, I complained to him and he told me that he couldn't do anything and that it was my fault when I was clear with what I ordered. And they take too long to deliver the orders.

  • elizabeth cruz pineda

    elizabeth cruz pineda


    The air conditioning doesn't feel, check that because it feels better on the street and it doesn't make you want to go. They should have more workers cooking because only 2 are left with all the dispatch load

  • Aguery Osejo

    Aguery Osejo


    Very comfortable place where you can spend tasting, or having coffee to start your day, I recommend it

  • Lenin Medina

    Lenin Medina


    Excellent location to make a stop before continuing any trip outside the city of León. Good service, the store is well stocked and the restrooms are always clean. The food is good, but it can be improved, despite this I leave five stars, for what concerns the location.

  • Jaime Castillo

    Jaime Castillo


    Good for the city and also for travelers no only traveler buy there also the people who live there buy... Public restrooms are available and cleaned.

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