Super Express i León

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaSuper Express



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Iglesia Recolección 3 c, al norte, León, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 12.4409874, Longitude: -86.8771597

kommentar 5

  • Milton Guillén Torres

    Milton Guillén Torres


    It is a clean, spacious place with a good location and has parking

  • Reynaldo Alegria

    Reynaldo Alegria


    I think that the deficiencies are in all the super express of león, which are the ones that I have visited, which is customer service, the grade that I could give is very low, I clarify more in some than others, not so much. If the administrators or managers at the national level do not want to do field tasks, just check their closed circuits of cctv.

  • 1087Jazmin



    Buena variedad. Nice assortment of items.

  • Hyrum José Maravilla

    Hyrum José Maravilla


    This has been the super express with the lowest and poorest attention that I have visited. An unkind lady at the checkout, not so well trained, slow, I don't think she has enough empathy to serve people who are clients of her professional services. For everything else, the cleanliness and quality of the products are always top notch! But for this experience I do not plan to return there.

  • Rebeca Acosta

    Rebeca Acosta


    Good attention!

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