Super Express-Sutiaba i León

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaSuper Express-Sutiaba


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De los semáfaros de Banpro, 50 metros al oeste, León 21000, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 7825 0691
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Latitude: 12.4350612, Longitude: -86.8886014

kommentar 5

  • Marcela Jiron

    Marcela Jiron


    Good place, the detail is that it is a lot of people and few customer service personnel

  • Pina Moncada

    Pina Moncada


    If it's good service...

  • Hildebrando Quintana

    Hildebrando Quintana


    There is no toilet service for customers. Bad attention from the employees and there is always a line because they serve slowly.

  • Nhubya Garcia

    Nhubya Garcia


    Excellent atention.

  • Magno Bervis

    Magno Bervis


    This is a convenience store which belongs to a national self-service chain. It really is in a good location. The attention in the service is good and there is a variety of consumer products at a good price. If you go to the beach it is a good option to make your purchases of ice, drinks and more...

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