Pulperia La Esquina i León

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaPulperia La Esquina



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Costado Noroeste de la, Iglesia Guadalupe, León, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 7509 4595
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Latitude: 12.4278302, Longitude: -86.8780207

kommentar 5

  • Aracelis Pantoja

    Aracelis Pantoja


    Very good always good attention

  • LCDJ 2020

    LCDJ 2020


    Regular service, very narrow customer service space.

  • Madame Rousseau López

    Madame Rousseau López


    I would give 2. 1/2 ⭐ A caus always full (good for them because they sell, uncomfortable because they serve you after half an hour), I tried the food once although many will say that it is rich, the truth is that the price with the quantity is not relative and it is not I liked the taste. The attention, there are only two many that are kind, they serve you with a smile and are patient; the others and even the one that charges you have an angry face as if it were in the way of someone buying, hence the positive thing is that I try to have the same girl serve me to get the product I want, if it weren't for that girl I would not return to arrive. It must be remembered that a company is made through the client and a satisfied client returns and with people.

  • Pablo Neón

    Pablo Neón


    The store is very well stocked. I always find what I'm looking for. They also have typical food service ready to go eat at home. The attention improved remarkably since they use the tickets to be attended. The space has become too small for them, in case they seek distance. Open every day.

  • Ajs Aquatics

    Ajs Aquatics


    Great place for tropical drinks

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