Hotel y Restaurante Cesar i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaHotel y Restaurante Cesar



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4M7P+FVP, Managua, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2265 2728
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Latitude: 12.1134321, Longitude: -86.3128746

kommentar 5

  • mike walter

    mike walter


    The restaurant is closed. There is no WiFi. No breakfast. This should be avoided.

  • Rodolfo landaverde aburto

    Rodolfo landaverde aburto


    Excellent place to go and a break from the city on the same city, no noise and calm space. One hundred percent recommended.

  • Daniel Sánchez

    Daniel Sánchez


    My wife and I went for the pizza. We thought that the ingredients that they are using are of very good quality but the pizza itself is not necessarily authentic italian style. This pizza has more cheese than most italian pizzas, though to be honest still much less than common "American style" pizzas. We also tried the tiramisu, which we found a little bit too sweet. Prices are a bit above average. In general, the place is not bad at all, but for a matter of personal preferences I would probably visit other sites when looking for italian food. If you are in the area, this is still a very good alternative for a clean and nice food.

  • Pablo Cortes

    Pablo Cortes


    Italian food. Pasta and wood oven made pizza. Good food, Kind of pricey.

  • Samuel Orozco

    Samuel Orozco


    Very run-down and terribly maintained. Has great potential but sadly is nothing like it used to be.

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