Guest House Casa Azul i Managua

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NicaraguaGuest House Casa Azul


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Residencial Bolonia, de la óptica nicaragüense, 1 cuadra al este, 1 cuadra al norte., Managua 12066, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 8682 9210
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Latitude: 12.1395957, Longitude: -86.2821581

kommentar 5

  • gilberto ayala

    gilberto ayala


    clean and quiet place

  • Marcial Wills

    Marcial Wills


    The house is beautiful, artistically decorated with antiques and gardens. There was some dust but since it is an open house it is almost unavoidable. The place has the advantage of being located near supermarkets, restaurants, public parks and transport companies. The attention seemed good to me both from the owner and from the assistant. The Internet was somewhat slow. It is a good place to stop for the night if you travel by Ticabus or Transnica. Not recommended for people allergic to animals

  • Cinthia Duarte

    Cinthia Duarte


    The house is pretty. But the attention of the owner is super unpleasant, very hateful. Besides, my boyfriend was living there and he left to move to a bigger place, and he never got his $200 deposit back. Claiming that they do not have money to return it. They promise to give it to him every month and they don't comply. They are scoundrels.... I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT!!!

  • Karen Gonzalez (Nails en Zaragoza)

    Karen Gonzalez (Nails en Zaragoza)


    We have been scammed for 500 dollars in this supposed hotel, you do not rest at all, since there are 3 noisy dogs that do not stop barking at the slightest noise, there is a cat that walks all over the place from the dining room to the kitchen . They do not clean every day, the rooms that are next to the garden stink of cat poop, ants come out in the bathrooms, the beds are a nest of mites since they do not clean the garbage that is under the bed. The owner, a bipolar person, has no character or education to deal with clients since after charging she does not stop saying that we are in her house (because it is a house with several rooms) and that nobody tells her how to take it, to the For a moment, she pretends to provide a solution but then she becomes hysterical and closes off not returning anything. We could only last a week in that place, because my husband came out with an allergy due to the unhygienic conditions at Casa Azul. DO NOT PAY IN ADVANCE BECAUSE AT THE TIME YOU ENTER THEY DO NOT GIVE WHAT THEY OFFER!!!! If you have any questions, go to the tourist and police office where they are reported for pigs.

  • Martin Omier

    Martin Omier


    To relax and enjoy

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