La Posada del Arcangel i Managua

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NicaraguaLa Posada del Arcangel



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Managua 12066, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2254 5212
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.1397763, Longitude: -86.2785998

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jeff Sykes


    Everything is a little bit old. Beds were crammed into small rooms. Breakfast was good and large!

  • en

    Elizabeth Coleman


    This hotel is owned by a lovely couple, Carlos and Anna. As you walk in the door and are greeted like a family member the trials and tribulations of travelling are soon forgotten. Carlos comes from a family of artists and is an artist himself besides being an avid collector of Nicaraguan art and sculpture. Many of his fathers works, his own, and many of his collections , fill the walls of the rooms and hallways and adorn tables and cabinets. The rooms are very clean and comfortable, furnished with carved Nicaraguan furniture. Breakfast is very tasty local fare and Anna can cook a lovely corvina for lunch or dinner if requested. The staff are competent and friendly and eager to please. If you are lucky you will get to meet Fernanda their daughter who is a student at the university but helps out at the front desk. If you want to know anything about what to do in Managua or the names of some great restaurants you only have to ask your hosts We highly recommend this hotel whether you are staying in Managua or are there as a stopping point to other parts of the country.

  • Roman Poeller

    Roman Poeller


    ein schönes Hotel, geräumige Zimmer und ein wunderschöner Innenhof. Service ist sehr freundlich und die Preise angemessen.

  • Luis Mariano Torres Valle

    Luis Mariano Torres Valle


    En hotel cómodo con un buen precio. La gente muy amable y en una zona segura y tranquila

  • en

    rick werlinger


    Very very nice place the breakfast is extremely good very good very good coffee in the morning and supplies you need to come and visit if you're going to be in Nicaragua you can stay here it's very good

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