Vulcano Ecovista i Nindirí

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NicaraguaVulcano Ecovista


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De la gasolinera Puma, 150 metros al sur, calle diagonal a mano derecha, Nindirí, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 8844 8381
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Latitude: 11.997746, Longitude: -86.1146456

kommentar 5

  • Müller Heinz

    Müller Heinz


    We booked two nights from Saturday to Monday. The staff was friendly, the food on the first day was okay! The neighboring bar then had loud music on until after midnight, so sleep was out of the question! On Sunday afternoon the hotel was overrun by day guests! The previously quiet pool turned into a wild circus! About 20 children transformed the hotel pool into a place where you didn't want to cool off with water guns and wild jumps! The parents ordered schnapps and other alcohol and the loud music was accompanied by loud screaming due to the influence of alcohol! It's a shame we only wanted to spend two quiet days! Unfortunately we did not find this peace here! We can therefore not recommend the hotel.

  • Damon Van Steelandt

    Damon Van Steelandt


    Great place beautiful views!

  • Indio Jones

    Indio Jones


    After shopping all day for home improvements and not wanting to drive at night, we desired an affordable room with a parking lot, and we got more than we expected. The service was friendly and seemed to have high mileage amongst their associates. The room was immaculate, the bathroom was also clean and spacious with wall and floor tile. Thought the TV was not connected, the Internet was adequate for viewing Amazon prime or Netflix (some buffering) Breakfast on Friday was around 8:30am My only regret was that I didn't bring a bathing suit for the pool

  • Armando Rodríguez

    Armando Rodríguez


    Excellent location and nice view

  • Leah Raisanen

    Leah Raisanen


    loved it :) super pretty view with good food, pool, and air conditioned rooms

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