Museo Café Cabañas i Nindirí

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NicaraguaMuseo Café Cabañas


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Avenida Bolívar, Nindirí, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 8876 5887
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Latitude: 11.9994861, Longitude: -86.1195286

kommentar 5

  • Gustavo Saballos

    Gustavo Saballos


    Excellent prices and place 👍 the owners are very friendly! Highly recommended!

  • Aurore CB

    Aurore CB


    Jesus and his family are welcoming and really kind hosts. The house/museum is original and interesting, the beautiful rear patio was also a nice surprise with its unobstructed view of the lagoon. The house is located on the expressway between Managua and Masaya, so yes you can hear a little traffic but without spoiling the experience. It is an excellent option for those traveling on this axis, as it is a few meters from the bus stops. Jesus also took the time to share his art and his culture with us, a wonderful encounter for which we are very grateful!

  • Leo El León Aguirre

    Leo El León Aguirre


    A beautiful place to learn about myths and legends.

  • El Jordan

    El Jordan


    The view is amazing, people are warm and kind like all Nicaraguans. It was a local holiday in the capital, and we decided to go there. I was impressed because of the amount of history which I could gather from the locals. Therefore, food was delicious. We drank some beverages there and they were just perfect, we got food somewhere else, but it was nice the way this looked like in this place. Not giving a 5 stars as per garbage everywhere. It is sad that such a beautiful place had a lot of gargabe, maybe no the owners, but community living nearby throwing garbage away. It is sad that such a beautiful community had this issue that day.

  • Lukas P.

    Lukas P.


    Jesus and his whole family is really super nice. We slept in the museum for 3 nights and learned a lot about the culture, the food and much more. The Massaya volcano, the city of Massaya and the two art locations Catarina and San Juan de Oriente are easy and quick to reach. We'd love to come back!

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