Pan & Paz - French Bakery i León

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NicaraguaPan & Paz - French Bakery



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1ra Calle NE, León, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 8250 1983
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Latitude: 12.4360839, Longitude: -86.8753298

kommentar 5

  • Ariane Baltodano

    Ariane Baltodano


    Really nice spot! Went there for lunch and ordered the Goat Cheese Salad which I enjoyed. I ordered a passion fruit pie and it was not what I expected. The cookie was tasteless, the rest was just meringue with very little passion fruit. The espresso was really good and the papaya juice too.

  • Senna



    The drinks were great and the sweets as well. The mango cheesecake is incredible - super soft, fresh and sweet. The patio is adorable, service was good but a little bit slow. We were waiting quite some time for our food and the bill, and when we stood up to ask for it they presented it before we even got to the register. Prices are good if not a little pricey, but the quality makes it okay.

  • N Y

    N Y


    We ordered the pesto caprese sandwich and it was delicious! The cold latte was also nice, Everything was clean and the atmosphere was great.

  • Laurence Dierckx de Casterlé

    Laurence Dierckx de Casterlé


    Our favourite place in Léon. Good coffee and sweets but also the soup + sandwich was delicious. Definitely good value for you money

  • Maegan Hendrix

    Maegan Hendrix


    We enjoyed it! We went for breakfast and tried the brioche French toast, bacon, cheese, and egg croissant sandwich, and their Greek yogurt. All of it was good, but could have been better with a few tweaks. Their croissants and other French bakery items are definitely influenced by the location, so don’t expect it to be super traditional, but the flavor was still good. Don’t get the chocolate drink, but their coffee is a nice choice, and the fruit juices are also delicious. We also tried their salmon sandwich later in the day. It’s fairly basic, just wish their was capers or something to give it a bit more flavor.

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