Cosa de Horno Roque i León

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaCosa de Horno Roque



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Colegio Calasanz 3 cuadras al sur ½ cuadra al este, mano izquierda, León, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2315 3844
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Latitude: 12.4310171, Longitude: -86.8980655

kommentar 5

  • Jeffrey Bernhard

    Jeffrey Bernhard


    I went to this place yesterday and it was fabulous. They are a mother daughter team that have been in business for over 25 years.. The bread is fresh and they have this amazingly huge oven that they bake all the bread in.. Very friendly and very professional.. They both know their trade Extremely good . They make an amazing piece of bread and use only the best ingredients. If you find yourself in the city of León, I highly recommend you stop by and buy something. In fact, they sell their breads all over the city. Thanks again for the amazing bread and tour!

  • Caleb Harper

    Caleb Harper


    Excellent place. very delicious

  • Noha Taquion

    Noha Taquion


    Everything traditional with a modern touch without losing tradition and flavor, must be very good "GOOD LUCK EMPLOYER"

  • Nájera Rugama Eduardo José

    Nájera Rugama Eduardo José


    I recommend it to enjoy this typical food of the best quality and at a low price.

  • Manuela carolina Segura ramirez

    Manuela carolina Segura ramirez


    They are delicious the best I have eaten

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