Linda Vista i Managua

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NicaraguaLinda Vista


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5M3Q+G86, Managua, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 7533 3052
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Latitude: 12.1537937, Longitude: -86.3117351

kommentar 5

  • Bisutería - Chelú

    Bisutería - Chelú


    Linda Vista is one of the best neighborhoods in Managua, beautiful, spacious and has enormous capital gains. It has shopping centers, convenience stores, schools, churches, supermarkets, salons, clinics, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, shops and much more.

  • Julio Molina

    Julio Molina


    Nice view, a nice quiet place, it is a neighborhood of residential-style houses where you can find houses for rent for sale, apartments, a mall nearby and movie theaters around it, it is full of shops of all kinds

  • Mellymassy G

    Mellymassy G


    Nice place to hang out. Places around: Hospital, Mall, Supermarket, Banks. Nice and safe for a walk

  • Luis Romero

    Luis Romero


    The application is very good because it gives you understanding of the places you are looking for, it is also very easy to use, it is not complex...!!!

  • Titania Dragneal

    Titania Dragneal


    You can't access the street view and it is very sad not to be able to have satellite view.

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