Jimmy Three Fingers i Managua

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NicaraguaJimmy Three Fingers



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Hospital Monte Eapaña 2c al Norte 2c al oeste, Managua, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2299 9704
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 12.1177306, Longitude: -86.2636048

kommentar 5

  • Janio Gallard

    Janio Gallard


    Well thought, great to seem them growing. Can I have one more cut of beef? Good service

  • Kai Cooper

    Kai Cooper


    A higher end Nicaraguens restaurant. I ate ribs and lobster stuffed shrimp which was excellent. If this lunch I can't imagine what dinner is like

  • Sagar Fowler

    Sagar Fowler


    I was skeptical of the rarely good reviews. But I can understand them now. I will give one of my only negatives now. The quantity of flies in the outside seating area is far more than normal. Very annoying while trying to eat. But now to the good stuff. They claim the ribs are what is their specialty. They are actually very good. From all the things I tried I have to say the filet mignon was by far the big winner. Bit of a strange shape but very good. The potatoes salad is solid. If you are from EEUU and your missing a taste of home this place delivers.

  • Jacqueline Anne

    Jacqueline Anne


    I have been coming to this restaurant for many years now, and they never disappoint. The atmosphere is lovely, especially outside on the open air patio. They play good music and the waitstaff is highly attentive. Tonight We tried the rosemary encrusted chicken, ribs, potato salad, grilled asparagus, jalapeño poppers and the consommé. Everything was on point and delicious. I loved the rosemary chicken. The potato salad is outstanding and I recommend it highly. The consommé is fabulous. They also have an extensive selection of exotic cocktails and good wifi. This is a great place to sit and have a relaxed meal.

  • Jordan Jacquot

    Jordan Jacquot


    Stellar ribs - cooked perfectly and bathed in a delicious house sauce. We chose potato salad as a side instead of fries. The food tastes like home. The jalapeño poppers are meh but they also hit the spot because I haven’t had them in ages. Highly recommend this little hidden gem for the cold beer, fantastic service, flavorful dishes and reasonable prices.

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