La Ventecita i Managua

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NicaraguaLa Ventecita



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Managua, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 8898 6375
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Latitude: 12.123025, Longitude: -86.255787

kommentar 5

  • Gustavo Aleman Ayala

    Gustavo Aleman Ayala


    Nice place to drink cold beers, really cheap but just cash

  • Brent Whistler

    Brent Whistler


    Cheapest place to have a beer in Managua. Seems like the beer is the loss leader, since the delicious food is not particularly cheap.

  • Asaf Morales

    Asaf Morales


    It's the best place for a cold beer at a good price. No a/c, but still a grate spot.

  • Milton Gomez

    Milton Gomez


    Little local shop that's relatively famous for their Nacatamales (nicaraguan staple breakfast for weekends). They only make them from Thursday (?) to Sunday, though, so take that into account. Cash only.

  • Christian Cabrera

    Christian Cabrera


    Convenience store, beers and nacatamales! That's a crazy combination that worked out for these guys. It's a great place to have seat, relax, and enjoy national beers for cheap prices. But remember before heading home grab a couple of nacatamales and whatever else you need; it's a convenience store in the first place anyways.

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