Balcón Real i Las Mercedes

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaBalcón Real


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Recidencial las Mercedes 5 cuadras al norte 1 cuadra al oeste, Las Mercedes 11052, Nikaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2233 2009
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.149777, Longitude: -86.1897156

kommentar 5

  • Jana Herrmann

    Jana Herrmann


    Carla was very helpful. She woke up so early to make us breakfast. The staff is helpful and friendly. Good location when coming and going from the airport.

  • es

    Juan Carlos Mejia Periodoncista


    Un ambiente agradable, con una excelente atencion y servicio. Te hacen sentir como en casa.

  • Norman Hansen

    Norman Hansen


    Inexpensive and excellent service. Have stayed here multiple times. Very attentive.

  • Courtney Lipke

    Courtney Lipke


    Our first night here was excellent, after a long series of flights to get here it was nice to have a clean room to rest in. It is about 2 blocks from a grocery store "Pali" and also there are plenty of little spots to find local meals. Our hotel includes breakfast and coffee to get you started, the scrambled eggs and tortilla were delicious. The family running this hotel speak English and are super warm and friendly, willing to try and answer all our questions.

  • From Summit to Sea

    From Summit to Sea


    This is a great family run hotel close to the airport. Local eateries are just minutes walk away. The hotel hosts are very friendly and helpful. If staying in Managua check into this hotel Breakfast included 8-10am. Cereal, toast, eggs, tortilla, coffee and tea.

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