Tica Bus i Managua

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NicaraguaTica Bus


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Barrio Willian Diaz, Managua, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 8739 5505
internet side: www.ticabus.com
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Latitude: 12.143594, Longitude: -86.2803286

kommentar 5

  • Nadav Shashar

    Nadav Shashar


    Bus ok but does not save much time. on top of bus ticket they take service fee at border . . at any border.but they hide it. Not on web page. Don't say up front. Also same charge regardless of distance or stop place in country.

  • en

    Terrance Taylor


    Never. Again. People doing visa runs, read this. So, taking the Tica bus seemed like a decent option over the ruteado bus (which is much cheaper) but without air conditioning, wifi and comfy seats. However, in the long run it's worth it to take the slower bus. Why? Well, to start, the ruteado busses leave regularly whereas the Tica bus leaves 3 times a day. In addition, you have to get to the bus early for check in... Whereas there is no check in for the ruteado: just show up on time. Crossing the border to Costa Rica, we still had to meet with an official and tell them our jobs and whatnot. The same thing we'd have to do anyway, except with the Tica bus, we had to pay extra for them to "handle" our passports. Yay! There isn't a Tica bus station in Liberia. There is in San Juan, but do you really want another 5 hours tacked in to your trip? So, we chose to stay in Liberia. In addition to all of this, while waiting for the Tica bus at the bus station in Liberia... It just never shows up. Being from Nicaragua, we didn't have saldo, so having a friend call, we find out that the bus has broken down... Or had it? (more on that later) However, we had reserved the FIRST Tica bus: there are 3. Where is the other bus? Who knows! Oh wait, Tica bus people know... But more on that in a minute. Back to my rant. We were told to arrive at the terminal at 8:00 for the 9:00 bus. So we do just that. Nope, no 9 am bus. It's 10:00-10:30. Cool, we'll wait 2 1/2 hours. Not the biggest thing. But then the time just keeps going... Nothing. None of the Tica busses. Where are they? Why haven't they come? Ahh, here is where it gets really frustrating: As of this posting, A few days before there was some very bad weather in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. The Tica busses had shut down because of impassable roads before. OK, that's understandable. But then they opened again! Yay! Except, not Yay. Because there IS A BRIDGE THAT DOESN'T OPEN UNTIL 12:00. Tica Bus people know this, yet they sold us tickets anyway. What so they care, they get money! Then, one the bus finally arrived, our seats were taken. They told us we had to sit thee, yet when we told the man they were occupied, he wouldn't move those people to their seats. So my wife and I had to sit separately. It may seem petty, but I didn't pay to sit separate from her. Never. Again. Take the ruteado instead. It's 1/3 the price with less hassle and headaches. Or hop on a plane to Honduras or something for $100 or less a ticket, stay the day to get your visa stamped and come back. Less hassle than dealing with Immigration in Managua. Also the wifi sucked on the bus. Never. Again.

  • Stanley Franco

    Stanley Franco


    Best prices to go from Honduras to Nicaragua by land, prepare for a long trip (14 hrs). The bus we were riding in had a failing A/C system most of the road

  • JLem



    Crappy service. The bus arrived 1h40 late at the Pulmitan bus station in Liberia. Then, because we didnt have a printer to print the ticket that we bought online, the driver became REALLY rude with us. Making dumb faces at us like a twelve year old and making a big scene. We told him we didnt have a way to print it but he didnt care. After finally entering the bus and arriving to the Nicaragua borders, they proceeded to take our passports a few times for god knows why, and they asked us to pay the exit tax (14$ according to them) and the entry tax (7$ according to them) when it was actually 10$ and 6$. So they stole 5$ usd from us without telling. We couldve easily paid it ourselves for 5 usd less right out of the bus.

  • Milton Gomez

    Milton Gomez


    You can catch a bus out of Nicaragua here. I've only ever taken it to Costa Rica, and the trip was fine. Try to catch the earlier ones if you're heading that way, as the border tends to fill up during the day.

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