The Garden Cafe i Granada

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NicaraguaThe Garden Cafe



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Calle Cervantes, 00000, Granada, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2552 8582
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Latitude: 11.9307688, Longitude: -85.9524433

kommentar 5

  • Oscar Flores

    Oscar Flores


    Nice restaurant and shop near city center. There is also a Cafe inside. We visited a few time for the cafe and then breakfast. Food was good and has both local and American options. There are also many natural juices and smoothies. Will need to try dinner as area is quite vibrant and secure. The gift shop has lots of local accessories and clothing options. Priare clearly for foreigners as they are listed all in USD. There is a nice and historic and natural ambiance that pay homage to local flora. Service is a bit on the slow side but we were always able to get someone's attention and they were friendly and helpful.

  • Rachel Therrien

    Rachel Therrien


    The place is really nice but I was a bit disappointed by their lack of vegan options. In the end, we took the dahl which was really good (without the yogurt sauce). Juices are a most try too ! Would just be nice if they could add a vegan menu🥲

  • Maria Oa

    Maria Oa


    What a lovely a place to have dinner. The food was superb (fish tacos) with great margaritas in an charming setting/atmosphere. Bought a brownie on the way out which was very tasty as well. Do not miss it!

  • Jose Estrada

    Jose Estrada


    Delicious espresso based coffee drinks, their pastries are good, delicious breakfast, and a really friendly staff. I came here every morning for coffee during our 7 days in Granada. Definitely recommend!

  • James Don

    James Don


    Love this little garden oasis in the city! It has some of the best and most inexpensive cocktails I've sampled here. A great variety of food with healthier options available than most other local restaurants. I recommend the Summer Bowl with chicken, quinoa, and avacado! It's delicious!

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