Super Express - Valle Sandino i Ciudad Sandino

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaSuper Express - Valle Sandino


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5JGQ+X3W, Ciudad Sandino, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.1774929, Longitude: -86.3623052

kommentar 5

  • Luis Zamora

    Luis Zamora


    Super Express is a hidden gem. Despite its small size, it offers a wide variety of products, from fresh food to cleaning supplies. The staff is friendly and always willing to help. The prices are fair and competitive. It's my go-to place for quick and convenient shopping.

  • Rurounicoleman



    Good point of reference and good prices

  • Erick Tellez

    Erick Tellez


    The employees mistreat the customer. The attention is not good at all

  • Raúl Rivas

    Raúl Rivas


    It has one of the best deals on convenience foods in the store line. The fried chicken in its various combos is quite good with good flavor and reasonable price. The drinks are very cold

  • Angela Jarquin

    Angela Jarquin


    The attention has improved a lot, but I don't know what happens in the super express there is always an open box. That delays a lot and even more to make payments only one box you can also make it and that also delays.

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