Restaurantes Verdi Masaya i Masaya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaRestaurantes Verdi Masaya



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costado noreste Mercado Ernesto Fernandez, Masaya 41000, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2522 3948
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Latitude: 11.9704517, Longitude: -86.0886109

kommentar 5

  • Elvis Ramirez

    Elvis Ramirez


    In general, the quality is excellent, however what bothers me is that it is difficult to find (in the market branch) their delicious tresleches when I arrive to eat, like today 02/18/22 1:40 there are no tres leches. 😭

  • LV dark

    LV dark


    I came to buy hamburgers and they told me to wait 15 minutes... well, 30 minutes have passed and nothing, just one star for not being such a bad vibe.

  • Lita R.

    Lita R.


    The food is very tasty, it has games for children and a pleasant atmosphere, the only bad detail is that the parking lot is very small... I recommend it.

  • Isaac Mabd

    Isaac Mabd


    The food is lousy and rationally it is very expensive and it does not have a good service and the chicken comes out raw and tasteless. And the staff is disgusting. Many people love to eat there because they feel like they ate at Verdi but what really matters is the food in my opinion and that of most people is disgusting and a very disgusting place.

  • Jeff Omega

    Jeff Omega


    Good food.

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