Restaurante Pico Rico i Diriá

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NicaraguaRestaurante Pico Rico



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Del Seminario Mayor San Pedro 250mts al noreste, Diriá 44200, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 7748 2999
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Latitude: 11.8937188, Longitude: -86.0480235

kommentar 5

  • Larry Mercado

    Larry Mercado


    A nice place with an excellent view, they should improve a lot in the atmosphere of the place, they have an excellent seasoning in the food

  • Carlos Navarro

    Carlos Navarro


    First time, after a long time of not visiting the Diría viewpoint and we really liked it. They are in the process of remodeling but still the view is beautiful. The place is small (although it has a second floor) and has enough variety to taste something tasty without being too demanding. We ordered a Pico Rico tray and a grilled chicken. The tray for 4 people is enough and plenty. They have marimba music and there are cold beers. You have to remember that these people are local and you have to support them. Take a walk around there!

  • izuniga zuniga lopez

    izuniga zuniga lopez


  • Juan Carlos Espinoza

    Juan Carlos Espinoza


    Excellent place, very good food and careful customer service. In addition, there is an impressive view of the Laguna de Apoyo and the city of Granada, with a very cool climate and surrounded by beautiful vegetation. The access route is easy to navigate and there is security on site. Therefore, I have no hesitation in recommending it to take the family and spend a pleasant and relaxing time together with loved ones.

  • Susana Machado

    Susana Machado


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