Palí • Miraflores i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaPalí • Miraflores


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4MXW+345, Managua, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505
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Latitude: 12.1476724, Longitude: -86.3044785

kommentar 5

  • marvin salgado

    marvin salgado


    Few rows to buy cheap

  • Mario Rey Delgado

    Mario Rey Delgado


    One more Pali that looks like an oven or a sauna bath... Some things are there... don't buy meat or vegetables, they are the worst!

  • Mario José Quesada Suárez

    Mario José Quesada Suárez


    Despite the fact that it is hot and few open boxes. We could say that the prices are cheap compared to the competition.

  • Carlos Ñurinda

    Carlos Ñurinda


    Excellent service, they try to help customers and check carefully if something is not stolen

  • Otoniel Montoya

    Otoniel Montoya


    Today's experience at Pali was great, ticket with correct prices, fresh fruits, the Butcher's area was stocked, in Dairy there was still a lack of butter, but an associate told me that they withdraw them and that they put an estimate of sales because some customers they are stolen, there were no long lines, the cashier was fast and very friendly.

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