Multicentro Las Américas i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaMulticentro Las Américas



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Semaforos de Villa Progreso 1 cuadra al Oeste, Managua, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2277 7673
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Latitude: 12.1386799, Longitude: -86.2288302

kommentar 5

  • en

    alejandro perez


    This is a popular shopping center, affordable prices, convenient service, do not trust brands that are sold here most likely will be copy.

  • Trever Benwell

    Trever Benwell


    Place is nice with enough parking space. Lots of stores and wide food court, two floors with various selection stores and a multiple movie theater.

  • en

    Byron Rodriguez


    With some remodeling the facilities are ok and also with the electrical steps system older people are suffering. Other than that is nice.

  • en

    Daniel Sánchez


    Parking too crowded... Many low quality stores... I would recommend this place only if you are not close to any other.

  • Douglas Rossman Anderson

    Douglas Rossman Anderson


    Multicentro Las Américas, commonly known as Multicentro and Las Américas, is strategically located in one of the busiest areas of Managua, such as Bello Horizonte, with approximately 70,000 families living in its surroundings. The shopping center was built under a modern concept with the goal of a balance between its design and the comfort of its visitors' stay.

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