La fuente de chocolate i San Juan del Sur

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NicaraguaLa fuente de chocolate



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De la esquina Noroeste del parque central, 25 metros al oeste, San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 8527 1610
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Latitude: 11.2525698, Longitude: -85.8705981

kommentar 5

  • Emily S

    Emily S


    The woman at the counter was very friendly and explained to me the origin of the chocolate on offer. Besides their menu on the wall, the store has various chocolate bars, cocoa powder, baking chocolate, and small chocolate candies available for purchase. The little chocolate candies were $0.50 each, and the chocolate bars ranged in size and price. All the chocolate in the store is sourced from Nicaragua. The smoothie I had (chocolate, strawberry, banana, yogurt) was very good. I highly recommend you stop in!

  • Kim Honan

    Kim Honan


    It is a beautiful experience to eat such divinely made delicious treats. You will not be disappointed.

  • Benjamin Brown

    Benjamin Brown


    I’m not sure who left bad ratings but this place deserves five stars, the owners are extremely warm and friendly, and everything is clearly done with lots of passion. Not to mention some of the best chocolate I’ve tried in Central America!

  • Scott Stephens

    Scott Stephens


    Charming, delicious, tiny chocolate shop in San Juan del Sur near the church featuring a variety of chocolate offerings. They also have organic coffee.

  • Rebekah Ayre

    Rebekah Ayre


    Sooo delicious! The chocolate there is so rich and dark. I highly recommend the hot (or cold) chocolate. The lady who runs it is super nice too. She let us sit there and use her wifi to resolve a problem with our bank when we weren't even going to eat there. We ended up hanging out long after the crisis was averted and eating lots of the delicious food. Thank you so much!

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