La Colonia Camino de Oriente i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaLa Colonia Camino de Oriente



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4P6W+3RG, Managua, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2264 9400
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.1101856, Longitude: -86.2529297

kommentar 5

  • Wilfredo Hoffer

    Wilfredo Hoffer


    Although is one of the best supermarket on Managua capitol and you can find everything you are looking on groceries. , Security make you feel uncomfortable . Ther is always $someone tailing you is stressing!!!! It could be a good thing if there was some other place but this is not the case!!!!! , I'm sorry really for this place but administration or security need to relax a bit!!!!

  • Omar Ruiz

    Omar Ruiz


    Went today dec17 2020, I bought bread and picked an Aurora and they charged me a Bimbo brand on receipt I did not noticed until saw it the bread cost me almost as the 15 eggs I bought as well. Always check your stuff sadly they overcharge with stuff you did not pick up.

  • Superlogical



    Great supermarket, located in not a safe place. One of the places of thieves here is Camino de Oriente, if you're coming, be careful.

  • Eric Martinez PH

    Eric Martinez PH


    Great location and spacious facilities. Carries most of the foreign brands you are used to for a higher price than other places. Ample parking and helpful staff. Produce are also kept fresh and relatively cheap.

  • Milton Gomez

    Milton Gomez


    Good supermarket location. They have a Don Pan bakery, which is better bread than is offered at most other La Colonias. Their Seafood is from El Salmón, which again is better than that offered at most other La Colonias. Check it out if it's in a convenient spot for you. Double note that there is less product variety when compared to the one near Galerías.

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