Hotel, Restaurante, Spa La Barca de Oro i Las Peñitas

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NicaraguaHotel, Restaurante, Spa La Barca de Oro



🕗 åbningstider

Frente, Reserva Natural Isla Juan Venado, Las Peñitas 21000, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2317 0275
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.3597503, Longitude: -87.0190531

kommentar 5

  • Rachel Therrien

    Rachel Therrien


    Went there only to eat cause we saw they had vegan options ! We tried the paella and the carbonara spaghetti, it was really good and cheap, place looked cleaned and nice, it’s amazing to find so many vegan options in Nicaragua😍

  • Katharina M.

    Katharina M.


    The yoga class was amazing! Really loved the instructor. It was enough space and only a few people! Thank you

  • x y

    x y


    Food was ok. They offer vegan food, which is nice. Our dorm was horrible. The air smelled mouldy and the bunk beds didnt have stairs and were shaking with every movement.

  • Exident



    My favorite restaurant during my stay in Leon! The food was incredibly good! If you like to spend time in the mangroves or watch turtels, simply ask the stuff for „Edwin“. He is a very calm and wise men, who lived in Las Penitas all his life and knows the woods perfectly. He takes you with his own boat.

  • Katherine Bolger

    Katherine Bolger


    A wonderful place and a great location. A 2 minute walk to the beach. Staff were so lovely and very welcoming. We were upgraded to two private rooms as there was a problem with our booking and the cabanas were a dream. The food was very tasty and a really good selection of vegetarian options. I would definitely stay here again.

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