Hotel Posada Ecologica la Abuela i Masaya

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NicaraguaHotel Posada Ecologica la Abuela


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Masaya 41000, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2520 1634
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Latitude: 11.9428419, Longitude: -86.0439782

kommentar 5

  • Isabel Aponte

    Isabel Aponte


    What a great place. The cabin was small and cozy. The service it's awesome. Quiet night overlooking the lagoon calmed waters. The food in the restaurant is awesome and the amenities for the day pass are great pool, water sports in the a nutshell a great place to spend a couple of days resting and been taken care of. Great service and people....lived it 10 stars...

  • Rollie Peterkin

    Rollie Peterkin


    Terrible. There is a $15 minimum. And I was just under and they said if I didn’t order more I would be charged another $10. Then when I got the bill it was $20 because they added tip and taxes. Wayyyyyyy too expensive for just a few drinks and a terrible club sandwich.

  • Eduardo Martínez (Edike)

    Eduardo Martínez (Edike)


    It's a nice place to chill and have fun.

  • Blain Larsen

    Blain Larsen


    This is a beautiful place. The cabins are wonderful and the food is great. There is swimming, kayaks and fun in the water, even for little kids

  • William Guzman

    William Guzman


    Pros: Wonderful view, friendly service, authentic breakfast, King size bed, comfy bedding, cold AC beautiful scenery, the lagoon is feet away, kid friendly environment, check out at noon... It was a really nice place to stay. usd 70. Bungalow sweet, breakfast and water activities included. Con: Bungalow door would jam, needed repair (probably just my luck) The road to get there seems like you are lost... But you aren't, it's just deep in there! Why doesn't anyone believe in hot showers around here? Honestly, this place is a hidden Gem

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