Hostal Sin Fronteras i León

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NicaraguaHostal Sin Fronteras


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2 cuadras y 20 varas al este, León, León, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 8803 9382
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Latitude: 12.4371344, Longitude: -86.8818194

kommentar 5

  • Mary Flores

    Mary Flores



  • Rijul Bhaskar

    Rijul Bhaskar


    The location was good and the hostel was quiet. However, it was a but dirty and staff was adequate. Other locations had more things going on.

  • Long Wong

    Long Wong


    Meh. It's ok. But there's certainly better hostels in Leon for same price.

  • Todd Leech

    Todd Leech


    We only stayed here a couple nights - in both a large private room that we shared with friends and also in one of the dorms. The hostal is in a great location close to everything downtown but on a quiet street. Beautiful artwork in the rooms and lobbies, a very inviting courtyard perfect for conversation or to lounge and read. Big clean bathrooms, well equipped clean kitchen, helpful staff and great vibe. We are travelling with our 8 year old daughter and felt safe and comfortable here.

  • Shannon Lim

    Shannon Lim


    Well kept, nice and quite hostel. The staff are nice and helpful and the stay here include breakfast every morning! U$20/ROOM/NIGHT

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