Hostal Flamenco's i León

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaHostal Flamenco's



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Iglesia de la Merced 2 y 1\2 cuadras al Norte, León 21000, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2311 5753
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Latitude: 13.035422, Longitude: -85.285227

kommentar 5

  • Alexander Benavidez

    Alexander Benavidez


    It is important to have a good location

  • Raul Gomez Wesley

    Raul Gomez Wesley


    Unbeatable location, a few steps from the Cathedral of León. Very friendly and helpful staff. Clean and cosy.

  • Thomas Zingg

    Thomas Zingg


    its a good hostel for the price they offer. they have a really cute little rabbit hopping around the hostel :)

  • Todd Leech

    Todd Leech


    Great comfortable hostal on a quiet street. Close to everything. Clean & safe. Good for families as well as solo travelers.

  • rosalie labonté

    rosalie labonté


    Decent hotel when you don't want to pay a lot. We are recommended the hotel at the bus stop. We go there. The lady shows us the dormitory. We ask how much it costs. She tells us $1 more expensive than the panflet we were given at the stop. It's after that she shows us the room which is the cheapest..

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