Hospedaje Wangki i Bilwi

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NicaraguaHospedaje Wangki


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Avenida Central, Bilwi, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2792 1545
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Latitude: 14.0374903, Longitude: -83.3795557

kommentar 5

  • Jorge Acosta Canales

    Jorge Acosta Canales


    A nice place to rest after work. It is lodging for workers. It has a good quality-service-price ratio

  • Zamir Narvaez

    Zamir Narvaez


    There is good air conditioning equipment, but they don't put a fan on you. To toggle teams

  • William Teodoro Webster Men

    William Teodoro Webster Men


    Well, for me it was a good choice to go to this place to stay, since while there I had an unforgettable moment, besides that, the place, the rooms, the service and the location were very safe, reliable and very comfortable and well for that and I highly recommend that you visit this beautiful place my people.

  • Wilson Kuan

    Wilson Kuan


    Is the only lodging I know in Puerto Cabezas and can't compare with other options. Stayed for two nights hopping there were not a third one. Do yourself a favor and inspect the rooms before commiting, there is a wide range. Is cheap and is the only reason I'm giving 2 stars. My assosiates are footing the bill (I'm visiting for work from US), and no choice to look around, and their comments are that are good accomodations for rhe area, and that they are much better than what is available in Waspan (another town were we are heading today, for 2 nights). Internet is good, I'm wrting this sitting in a bench waiting for tbe team to leave. Last, no breakfast here.

  • chris sherrell

    chris sherrell


    Very nice and comfortable and good price.

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