Giomar Café i Jalapa

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NicaraguaGiomar Café



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WVCG+V8G, Jalapa, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2737 2475
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Latitude: 13.9221979, Longitude: -86.124157

kommentar 5

  • Yamil Reyes

    Yamil Reyes


    Very tasteful coffee, sandwiches are small for the price, but taste good

  • Hector Garcia

    Hector Garcia


    Excellent, Service and meals. Highly recommended....

  • Salvador Antonio F. Alfaro

    Salvador Antonio F. Alfaro


    Excellent family environment, clean, perfect lighting. Healthy and cozy atmosphere, menu with moderate variety and very affordable prices. It is a place which I recommend visiting with family and friends.

  • Soli Deo Gloria

    Soli Deo Gloria


    The Giomar Café is a small hotel with basic conditions for accommodation in a distant place. It is located in the municipality of Jalapa in the department of Nueva Segovia and very close to the Honduran border. On the top floor they offer a very good quality espresso coffee, from that place you can appreciate the city and the mountain range of hills that make the limit between Nicaragua and Honduras.

  • Marina Castillo

    Marina Castillo


    It seems like a charming place, nice attention and security, without a doubt the best place 😊

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