El patio de la abuela i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaEl patio de la abuela


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Calle Granada, Managua, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505
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Latitude: 12.1103961, Longitude: -86.2452443

kommentar 4

  • Edwin Rodriguez

    Edwin Rodriguez


  • Carolina Ortiz

    Carolina Ortiz


    On two occasions my service has arrived incomplete. They don't have good customer service. I do not recommend it

  • Medardo Somarriba

    Medardo Somarriba


    On Saturday I asked for an assortment for 4 through hugo, my order arrived two hours later and it arrived incomplete and incorrect, they proceeded to take it back to make me a new order, but in the same way I got the same thing, only completing what that was missing but that order was like an order for two people I know it because I've ordered that before. I am disappointed I have had this inconvenience on two occasions that my order arrives incomplete, I do not recommend this place.

  • Alcibiades Lázaro Ramírez González

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