Clinic i Santo Tomás

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1ra Avenida SO, Santo Tomás, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505
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Latitude: 12.0697221, Longitude: -85.0911095

kommentar 5

  • Antonio Rodriges

    Antonio Rodriges


    Why do the doctors help me

  • Ausiz



    Excellent Nicaragua! In Angloamerica there is no free care because health is completely commercialized. In other words, it is a business between the government, the apothecaries and the doctors from which no one escapes. If one goes to the emergency room, it is not the beauty of humanity that they show in the movies, because the first thing they do is ask for insurance information for the payment of attention or they send the payment directly to agencies that are worse than ticks to collect and with interest . That is why thousands of Nicaraguans travel from the US to Nicaragua for care and medicine.

  • Iris González

    Iris González


    It seems to me that it helps a lot but it would have been a little better to have one of its location on the map

  • Gary Mejia Murillo

    Gary Mejia Murillo


    It is a totally free health center

  • Julio Flores

    Julio Flores


nærmeste Hospital

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