Casa de Los Berrios i León

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NicaraguaCasa de Los Berrios


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Centro de León Nicaragua Costado sur oeste parque central 2 y media cuadra al sur, León, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 8223 2344
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Latitude: 12.4326463, Longitude: -86.8796025

kommentar 5

  • Sam H

    Sam H


    AMAZING PLACE. They go above and beyond to help. Would recommend highly!

  • Fredrik Westersund

    Fredrik Westersund


    Stayed for three nights. Wanted two separate rooms, but she only had one big and one small - gave us a nice discount on the big room, so we could get our own rooms. The women running the place is the nicest woman. Super helpful with everything. Even gets up 2:45 am to help you make the shuttle :)) highly recommend

  • Alexandre Bento Freire

    Alexandre Bento Freire


    I had a wonderful experience in this lovely and tranquil colonial hotel. My room was large, and the bathroom had an exotic bathtub covered with tiles. Right outside my room there was a garden which I found it so relaxing. The owners are incredibly friendly and do take well care of its hotel. There are plenty of paintings covering several walls of the hotel. The wifi worked well, and the hotel is only a few blocks from the Cathedral.

  • jink monkey

    jink monkey


    We stayed here for two nights for our second visit to Leon. Perfection, affordable, sweetest lady owner she was so caring and considerate. Tidy and clean room. With loads of towels and nice setting. If you are looking for a good value central hotel from a family business. Here it is !

  • Sam



    decent ... that's how I would describe this place. for the price you pay... good deal. my shower didn't work (water wouldn't come out the head) and I was given a bucket to fill up and shower that way. normal i guess here in nicaragua... but if you're coming from the west and not used to that kind of thing just be aware that stuff happens here. owners are super nice and accomodating and will certainly help you out in any way they can no doubt about it. great family owned hotel.

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