Bistro Pépé Morin i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaBistro Pépé Morin



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Semáforos Del Club Terraza 50vs Oeste, Plaza Boulevard #4, Managua, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 8393 8306
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.102399, Longitude: -86.263193

kommentar 5

  • Jose Bermudez

    Jose Bermudez


    Place was closed but they opened a again in a new location. Food is great as always, little bit pricey but it's totally worth it.

  • Mitchell Harris

    Mitchell Harris


    Saddly, the place has closed. My wife and I eat breakfast here every once in a while. It's the best french breakfast I've ever had anywhere. The breads are the best in Nicaragua, and the pastries should be illegal.

  • Javier Rosa

    Javier Rosa


    As a bread lover, the bread is some of the best bread I've ever had in my life. Definitely, the best I've had in Nicaragua. They have a vegetarian sandwich and omelettes that are also very good. I believe, the quality is owed to the personal care and investment taken by the proprietor in her food. That's something that's hard to find in the US. The inside is cozy, especially when the air conditioner is on. It does look a little rough, but it's not a problem. The restroom could have used a little care, but it gets the job done. Credit card is accepted as well. For some local directions, it's near a small set of stores and restaurants called Plaza Mayor at the 2nd entrance to Las Colinas off of Carretera a Masaya. Plaza Mayor is a good landmark that can be used to direct a driver to the same road that the cafe is on. Plaza Mayor also has a Super Express mini-market, pharmacy, and a Claro which is a great combination for first time visitors.

  • Roberto Santiago

    Roberto Santiago


    Excelente lugar para conversar, the best place in Managua to have a good time and good food, bread and coffe. I recomended to all of you, bistro Pepe Morin, the best place to eat and have fun.

  • Don Jax

    Don Jax


    The good will get better. After a visit to Bistro Pepe Morin and a conversation with the owners, I learned that they would soon begin a lunch delivery service. I checked the menu and am already salivating at the thought of an outstanding meal at affordable prices. You may wish to find out more about it.

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