Barcelon montelimar i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaBarcelon montelimar


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4Q87+2G4, Managua, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505
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Latitude: 12.1150044, Longitude: -86.236176

kommentar 5

  • Melissa Meneses

    Melissa Meneses


    I recommend booking in the cabins rather than in the hotel. The staff is very friendly, but at meal times the attention is a bit slow, especially for drinks since they serve you instead of having your drinks. The casino or the disco were not enabled, so at night you could only see the show. The entertainers and dancers are very talented but they definitely need to increase the budget for the boys since the costumes they wore were in bad shape or didn't fit. The food was very good, especially the breakfast. In conclusion, the place is still very nice but they need to give better maintenance to their facilities since it is becoming outdated and improvements can be made since there is an influx of visitors. :)

  • Michael Gaitán

    Michael Gaitán


  • Francis Reyes

    Francis Reyes


    A graphic and comfortable experience. I loved the site.

  • Sheidy Reyes

    Sheidy Reyes


    Is tuani

  • angelito castro

    angelito castro


    MMM a super place to relax and leave the hustle and bustle of daily work

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