Banpro Esteli i Estelí

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaBanpro Esteli



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Pan American Highway, Estelí, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 5704 1236
internet side:
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Latitude: 13.0917338, Longitude: -86.3574373

kommentar 5

  • Naviusky Rivas

    Naviusky Rivas


    The cashiers talk a lot and expand a world with a customer and the mothers in line, and very few cashiers for customer demand

  • Diego Frech

    Diego Frech


    Small parking Be prepared to walk a little if you're driving Because you might need to park on the side of the road sometimes far from the bank

  • Alba Luz Espinoza Galeano

    Alba Luz Espinoza Galeano


    I did not like the banking service area, it is very slow, the service would be too long, it would be me

  • Studio Morgan (StudioMorgan VEVO)

    Studio Morgan (StudioMorgan VEVO)


    I give it 2 stars since the attention to the elderly is very bad, they have their separate queue but the poor have to wait longer than the other clients. Previously I was giving it 2 today I change my opinion the care for the elderly has improved a lot Thank you very much 🙏 Congratulations to all

  • Denis Mauricio Zeledon Gutierrez

    Denis Mauricio Zeledon Gutierrez


    It is a very good and stable bank, parking, security, the bad thing is that many times there are few tellers when there are many people in line.

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