Bancentro Lafise i Masaya

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaBancentro Lafise



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XWF3+H39, Masaya, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2255 8888
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Latitude: 11.9739062, Longitude: -86.0972732

kommentar 5

  • Stark Mx

    Stark Mx


    Terrible customer service, it is always full and only two cashiers serving. It is one of the most important banks in Masaya. I don't think they cannot hire the necessary number of ATMs.

  • Dulna Jiménez

    Dulna Jiménez


    Terrible customer service is always full and only two agents attending I have more than two hours with my mother who has just had surgery waiting to be seen to withdraw a debit card. They should have someone for simple operations

  • Gerald Castellon

    Gerald Castellon


    I have been waiting for more than an hour to be attended (banking services), terrible attention, very slow staff. It's depressing to have to come to this branch.

  • pierre mercier

    pierre mercier


    Atm work with canadian card unlike the other i tried

  • EX GA

    EX GA


    Always full! There are two ATMs which are also full on payment dates. It would be nice if they put an ATM that accepts deposits

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