Bancentro LAFISE i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaBancentro LAFISE



🕗 åbningstider

4Q82+7G8, Managua, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2255 8888
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 12.1156513, Longitude: -86.2486748

kommentar 5

  • Veronica Valle

    Veronica Valle


    Excellent attention from the branch manager, friendly and fast in the protocols to follow

  • Frank Ortiz

    Frank Ortiz


    Banking services too slow few people to attend is not even why there are many people very slow service.

  • Marvin Sánchez

    Marvin Sánchez


    Excellent attention, the only detail is that very few boxes work for the large flow of people who come to make their payments, deposits, etc.

  • Brayan Josue Silva Blandon

    Brayan Josue Silva Blandon


    Terrible attention, I was waiting 20 numbers for my turn to arrive in banking services, I literally did not leave for 5 minutes for a bottle of water and when I arrived they had advanced by only 10 numbers, I even saw a man come out and tell the security guard security that they had lousy service. When my number entered, it is on the screen and it says desk 1, I arrive and there is a lady already being attended, and the person from the bank tells me never to sign up, that I am not registered, that I have to sign up again and surely wait 2 hours More to see if it registers

  • Ross Martinez

    Ross Martinez


    Good customer service, much better than in other nearby banks. They have good measures to prevent the spread of the virus. 👍🏻

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