Pachamama Managua i Managua

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NicaraguaPachamama Managua


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Plaza Cuba #13, Los Robles, Managua 10000, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2225 6563
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Latitude: 12.1220656, Longitude: -86.2640376

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jeff Sykes


    Nice room with AC. Hot Water lasted for about 30 seconds. And breakfast included only counted for 2 of the 3 of us that booked. Seemed a bit confusing given the room slept 4 people.

  • Donald Lacayo

    Donald Lacayo


    Excellent! We spent 3 nights and 4 days in the installation, we paid around U$130 in total. The rooms are kept very clean, everything inside it is of quality, the pool is same as clean, the decor does not bore you, there is always something that will get your attention. The service is excellent, as is the breakfast of Café Trece. National beers can be a bit expensive, around C $ 60.00, but it's worth it!

  • en

    Donna Beevor-Potts


    Pachamamma is in a great location. It has been luxurious compared to most of the places we have stayed in the last month in Nicaragua. The bed and pillows were wonderful to sleep on. The shower was hot and had great water pressure - both things that have been lacking in the rest of our hotels/hostels. The free breakfast at Cafe Trece was very good. Wi-Fi was above average for to watch Netflix in the room at night most of the time. Only note: we stayed in Room 6, which is located right next to the kitchen of Cafe Trece. They are open 7am-9pm...and you can hear them rattling around from 6:40am to 9:15pm... overall a great experience and would stay here again.

  • Crista Sullivan

    Crista Sullivan


    Comfy-ass pillows. I decided to ball out on a private room and I'm so impressed. It was super clean and minimalistic and industrial in design. I'll stay here every time I fly into Managua.

  • Vinz B.

    Vinz B.


    Pros: safe area with super market and mall in the area, clean, pool. Cons: 1. Unfriendly staff: they couldn't even order a taxi for me. Upon my departure they wanted me to pay again because the previous staff hadn't communicated that I had already paid. 2. There was no kitchen. They had pretty much everything but a kitchen. I couldn't even find a place to make a simple breakfast. Apart from that the bar was never open and the water refill station always ran out of water in the afternoon. 3. Far from the airport. Overall I would not recommend this hotel. It was ok but there are probably at least 5-10 better value hostels in Managua.

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