Centro PUMA i Altagracia

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NicaraguaCentro PUMA



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1ra Calle NE, Altagracia, Altagracia, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 5736 6438
internet side: www.guiasunidos.org
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Latitude: 11.5673934, Longitude: -85.5790624

kommentar 5

  • Christina



    We stopped by for a quick visit and met Arlin who was very passionate about this community center. He even took the time to give us some simple Spanish lessons while we had some drinks from the cafe. Thank you Arlin! It's been years since my friend and I sat in front of a whiteboard like students 🤣 Centro Puma provides a lot of learning opportunities to the locals and at the same time offers tourists a welcoming place to visit while at Ometepe. Wish I heard about them earlier in my trip because they had some interesting tours.

  • Alexa Sinclair

    Alexa Sinclair


    Food: yummy. Garden: green. Butterflies: everywhere. Hammock: cozy. Vibes: chill. Coffee: scrumptious. Bread: homemade. People: friendly. Outdoors: shady. Veggies: fresh. Cats: adorable. Library: stocked. Ukulele: in-tune. View: gorgeous. Birds: in harmony. I don’t know what else to say… other than this is the only place in Altagracia to get yourself an ICED coffee, enjoy a chill environment, chat with locals and tourists alike, read books, play with legos, jam on the ukulele or guitar, and have the best-ever gourmet grilled cheese that will (guaranteed) blow your mind. Come chill.

  • Samantha Walkling

    Samantha Walkling


    Must Visit! The food here is AMAZING! My partner and I shared the Nico Felafel Plate and the Hummus plate - such a great stop for lunch! It’s inexpensive, great value and it also supports a great local social project!

  • Chris Mayer

    Chris Mayer


    Nice coffee shop next to the bus stop in Altagracia. They do not take credit card (like most of the island). Coffee is reasonably priced as a local hot coffee is 50 cordoba and the rest of island, it will be 40 cordoba. Nice area to sit down and listen to local music and walk around the garden

  • Colin J. McMechan (QuakeUp)

    Colin J. McMechan (QuakeUp)


    On the recommendation of a local guide (gracias Hector!), we made our way to Centro Puma. Centrally located in Altagracia—a block north of Parque Central, centre staff welcomed us into its attractive open-air cafe. Jonathan whipped us up a fresh cup of organic coffee made to order: Hot and strong, yet so smooth that we didn’t want to dilute the taste with milk. We also enjoyed cookies that are baked on the premises. One of the centre’s founders, Jeffry, showed us around and introduced us to the variety of shade plants and edible greens growing in the large walled garden. He even harvested some oranges, which he squeezed to give us a taste. We chatted with Arlin, an experienced Ometepe guide who has been one of the leading lights behind Puma. It was rewarding to listen to his stories and learn more about sustainable tourism development. Visiting on a Saturday afternoon enabled us to sit in on an English class for a few local youth. We also participated in the centre’s weekly “English Cafe” where we enjoyed meeting more Nicas who show up for conversation in English. It was rewarding to see how Centro Puma is a win for locals, a win for tourists like us and a win in the long term for Ometepe’s future!

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