Café Campestre i Balgüe

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NicaraguaCafé Campestre



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Isla de Ometepe, Balgüe 48800, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 8400 1881
internet side:
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Latitude: 11.4904781, Longitude: -85.5177722

kommentar 5

  • Michael Porter

    Michael Porter


    The curries here are fantastic! They also grow almost all of the ingredients and make the curry pastes from scratch. The Lamb Rogan Josh special was the best followed by the green curry and the tikka masala. We came here 5 times in 3 days! Their smoothies are also great along with many other menu items. They make a lot of their own stuff which you can purchase, like mango chutney, Nutella and peanut butter etc. I highly recommend this place! Best curries we’ve had in Latin America.

  • Khrystyna T

    Khrystyna T


    Really awesome curry and great service. It is at the road so can be noisy if you seat outside. Didn’t like the bathroom as it is without flush. I guess for some people it is ok. You can buy the wine and some rum in the place. Overall good for lunch Or a quick bite.

  • Emily Pearson

    Emily Pearson


    Visited for dinner and had their curries… contemplated extending my stay on the island just so I could go back for dinner again. All farm to table, in-house. You can order half portions of the curries, which was lovely seeing as I wanted them all. Only around 4 curries were veggie, but the ones that were did not disappoint. Must go!

  • Olivia Gonzalez Yun

    Olivia Gonzalez Yun


    What's there not to like? The food was shockingly good, so much so that my partner and I ended up going twice during our stay in Ometepe! I especially loved their hummus and green curry. It does get quite busy, especially during dinner time, and when that happens you just have to be more forward to the service people for them to notice you.

  • Petr Vasicek

    Petr Vasicek


    Definitely 5 star potential and probably one of the best places to eat on the island. Went three times for dinner and twice for breakfast. Had two curries - green thai was very authentic but too dry, then massaman curry which was also quite good. Last night I had chicken fingers which were unfortunately very greasy and just nasty. It definitely looked different from what i saw someone else eat there before. The staff is not too friendly or attentive. Most of the time I ended up having to go to the bar to get the menu, order something or pay. Breakfast is amazing here though.

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